Still Getting Sh*t Figured Out


Well it looks like there’s going to be some changes around here.


I’ve backslid in my numbers as of late. I honestly don’t know what the scale says but my tape measure tells me all I need to know. I’m kind of mad at myself because looking at photos from January, after a vacation in Hawaii where I was eating everything I could get my hands on and sipping on F’real milkshakes with more frequency than I care to admit, and then looking at pictures I took earlier this week? No bueno. Not progress. I need to get out of my own way, and asap.


In other other news – I’m on track to have our house completely de-cluttered by the end of March. I’m so freaking excited, you have no idea. I started the entire process in the middle of last year and resolved to leave no drawer/cabinet/moving box/closet unopened and sorted through & dealt with, by end of 1st Quarter 2015. I actually wrote down end of April but I’m so close – literally thisclose – to being done that I’m pushing for end of March. All that’s left? Mud room, kitchen pantry, & the hubby’s bedroom closet. That’s it! NON-SCALE VICTORY!! lol


Been listening to a lot (A LOT) of podcasts lately. I’m so in love with this format and delivery method of content. I feel like I’m constantly talking about the podcasts I’m listening to but I swear some of this stuff is so life-changing how could I not talk about it?

A phrase I heard from one podcast (The Art of Charm, go there and subscribe NOW!) was: “Evolve or evaporate.” It’s true right, either/or? If you’re not doing one, you’re doing the other. So pick one.